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页面版权所有 © 2019 东莞市伟仕达绝缘材料有限公司 粤ICP备10038883号-1网站建设: 中企动力 东莞
地址:广东省惠州仲恺高新区沥林镇智慧大道 2 号 25#楼厂房 8 层 01 号
广东伟仕达材料科技有限公司专业生产销售:PVC套管(UL NO:E310532)、汽车用波纹管,PVC套管(已用于丰田,本田,日产,五十铃马自达等车型),PU管及各种硬管、热缩套管、硅胶管、伸缩网管等。产品均获UL及CUL认证,符合ROHS及REACH法规。产品广泛用于家电、电子、电力、通迅、医疗、汽车、船舶等领域,并得到广大客户的信赖与支持。
The Guangdong VAST Materials Science CO., Ltd is a engaged in to insulate a material development and produce, professional manufacture PVC tubing(UL NO:E310532) ,Cars with corrugated pipe(PA,PP,PE), PVC tubing (have been used for Toyota, Honda, nissan, isuzu Mazda vehicles etc.),PU tubing (soft and hard tube and abnormal shape material ). Heat shrinkable tubings, solicone rubber tube , silicone fiber GiassSieeving, trend interweave tubings.which have passed the approval of UL and CUL, and passed the Europe economiccommon body ROHS environmental protectionstandard, widely used in the trade of consume, electric, electron, electricity, communication,medical treatment, and got trust and support of all our client.
Our company have more than ten years of production and developing experiences, Passed the TS16949, ISO9000 certification ,with perfect equipment and design ability. Placing great emphasis on providing superior products, highly personal service, and flexible approach to clients' needs, we desire to establish business cooperation with you, supply our perfect service to you.